Saturday, June 20, 2020


Welcome dear fourth "A" graders students!

The I.E."Los Educadores" and English teachers open this challenging school year 2020 through MINEDU strategy: "Learning at home" platform.

My name is Yanet Roxana Zevallos Concepción. I'm going to be your teacher. I'm so glad to meet you and I hope that together we can improve our English skills and levels.

This week we are going to start our English lessons through: "Learning at home" platform. Before you start with all the activities for this week. You can follow these suggestions;

  1. You should do yourself an evaluation sheet and identify the level you belong to.
  2. You should send your teacher your result.
  3. You should start with the activities according to your level.
  4. You should file your activities in your e-portfolio or portfolio.
  5. You should participate with your comments or answer the challenging questions in our blog actively.
  6.  You should do all your activities from the web and answer the questions according to your level.
Remember that our solidarity and responsibility are the cure for this disease. Be safe, stay, and learn at home!

Let's get started!


♕ PRE-A1: Who are the most vulnerable people affected by COVID-19?
♕ A1: Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
♕ A2: What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
♕ A2+: How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.


  1. Good evening teacher. I'm Ruth Rocha.
    My level is A2.
    In my home, the members of my family disinfect their shoes when they are returning at home and wash their hands to prevent cathcing COVID-19. Also they disinfect all the things like food for the same reason.

  2. Good evening dear Ruth,
    Congratulations to you for taking care of your family and your health.
    I encourage you continue putting in practice all your suggestions.
    * Write two positive and two negative aspects of the pandemic in your family.
    Have a blessing week.
    Be safe, stay and learn at home together.
    Mrs Zevallos

    1. Good afternoon teacher, I'm Ruth but I could not log in with my account, so...
      Two negative aspects of this pandemic are that we can't go outside like other days and we can't give a hug to our familiars and friends from other places. But two positive aspects of this situation are that we are spending more time together because my mother is working at home, and also we have the chance to think about ourselves and what we want to do, like hobbies, read or write books or start with personal projects that we couldn't do.

  3. Good night theacher I´m Damaris Zapata del 4to "A"

    A1 : Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?

    -Some of the symptoms are fever, shortness of breath and cough, if one of my relatives has symptoms, I should call the doctor.

  4. Buenas tardes profesora, soy Carlos Salinas del 4° A.
    Mi nivel es A2.
    -Yo junto a mis familiares, escogemos solo a un adulto para que vaya a hacer los pagos o comprar cosas, al momento que la persona designada sale este se pone mascarilla, guantes y botas, y evitamos acercarnos, a la vez que desinfectamos los productos a el para no contagiarnos a la vez que siempre nos lavamos las manos.

  5. good afternoon teacher, I am cesar montero and my grade is 4th A:

    The most common symptoms are the following:
    Dry cough

    If a family member has these symptoms, they would call the emergency numbers and follow their instructions. If necessary, they would take them to the hospital or call an ambulance.


  6. Good night teacher, I am Nicole Tarrillo and my grade is 4th A:

    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    At home to prevent catching COVID-19, I disinfect products, I use disinfectant, and I wash my hands frequently.


  7. Good Night teacher. I'm Kiara Cabrera del 4° A

    A2: What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

    - In my house he avoided going out, I wash my hands for 20 seconds, disinfect the products and fruits purchased.

    Thanks you.

  8. Good Night teacher,I am Alexander Campomanes 4th A
    What do you do ay home yo prevent catching Covid-19?

    In my house,we prevent coronavirus, desinfect the products we buy and washing oye hands.

  9. Buenas noches profesora, soy Fabrizio Delgado del 4to "A"

    A2: ¿Qué haces en casa para evitar la captura de COVID-19?

    -En mi familia nosotros somos muy cuidadosos en esos aspectos, pero mas mi mamá. Bueno en mi familia todos tiene un deber que cumplir y una parte de accion en el hogar, mis padres son los que hacen las compras y los pagos. Y mi hermana y yo. Somos los que nos encargamos de la desinfeccion y prevencion, es decir, que tomamos todas las medidas para nuestro bienestar. Y asi es como hasta ahora ningun familiar mio esta contagiado con ese virus

  10. Good Morning teacher, I am Giselle Jara and my grade is 4th A.
    Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    The symptoms of covid 19 are:
    - fever
    - dry cough
    - fatigue
    if one of my family members has a symptoms, i take him to a hospital to have it checked or I stayed away from them to avoid getting it.
    Thank you

  11. Buenas noches profesora , soy kiara Huamaní del 4to A
    A1: Nombre tres síntomas de COVID-19. ¿Qué haces si un miembro de tu familia tiene estos síntomas?
    Los síntomas de la nueva enfermedad son:
    -Tos seca.
    -Dificultad para respirar o falta de aliento.
    -Dolor o presión en el pecho.
    Si uno de mi familia tiene el covid-19, lo primero que haría sería alejarme de ese pariente, ponerme el cubre boca y llamar al 103 y aislarlo de la familia para que no se propague.

  12. Good night teacher, I am the student Saul Merino of 4 A

    A1:Name three symptoms of COVID-19.



    -Loss of taste

    What do you do if a member of your family has these symptoms?

    -I tell him to isolate himself, so that he doesn't infect the whole family

  13. Good night teacher I'm Carlos Melgar from 4 A
    Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?


    -Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
    -Pain or pressure in the chest.

    If a relative of mine has the disease, the first thing I would do would be to do a test to rule out that I also have it and isolate or hospitalize it until the symptoms disappear.

  14. Good night teacher, I am Elizabeth Sarco and my grade is 4th “A”.
    Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if a member of your family has these symptoms?
    The main symptoms of covid 19 are:
    - High fever.
    - Cough.
    - Difficulty breathing.
    If one of my family members has symptoms, i calm down and maintain home isolation.
    Thank you

  15. Good morning teacher I am Manuel Sánchez 4th A
    A2: What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    We avoid going out as much as possible but when we should go out, as always, before going out to buy food we put on face masks and shoes, after returning we disinfect ourselves.


  16. Good morning teacher, I am Jimena Villanueva and my grade is 4th A

    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    I stay home, I don't go outside, I wash my hands for 20 seconds, I cover my nose and mouth when I sneeze or cough

    Thank you

  17. Good morning, I'm Dafne Cubillas and my grade is 4th A
    How has covid-19 had an impact on your family?
    In my home 2 aspects that influenced are: spend more time with my family, we have done new thing and fun together ans i learned to organize myself, but we also had problems like: emotional change and adapt to being at home.

  18. Good morning,I'm Marian Torpoco and my grade is 4th A

    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

    my family we organize ourselves by who does things, my dad is in charge of buying the food or objects we need, my mom is in charge of disinfecting them, my brother is organizing and storing them and I must disinfect my dad.

  19. Good morning teacher, I am Maria Lucia Paez from 4th "A"

    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    in my house what we do is disinfect everything we have on the street, and my dad is the only one who goes out to do the shopping; We try to disinfect all things in the house, as well as disinfect our hands every time we do an activity.

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  21. ◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢◣◥◣◥◤◢◤◢
    A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    What my family does to prevent the spread of covid-19 is to disinfect all things that come from outside, we wash our hands more frequently and take precautionary measures when leaving.

  22. Good morning teacher, I'm Luis Rimari from 4th A
    Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    The symptoms of coronavirus (covid-19) are:
    Dry cough
    Shortness of breath

    if someone in my family has symptoms, we could take them to the hospital or call 103 so they can see or if we can isolate them from my family so that we don't get it

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